The Reeve History and Cultural Center
"We live in a moment of history where change is so speeded up
that we begin to see the present only when it is already disappearing."
R. D. Laing
The Reeve History and Cultural Resource Center, located at 314 Mountain Avenue, is home to the Westfield Historical Society. It houses a museum and is the future site of the Society's archives that are currently located in the School Board Administration Building at 302 Elm St. In addition to these two facilities, the Society also owns the Miller-Cory House Museum at 614 Mountain Avenue, which is operated and maintained by the Miller-Cory House Museum Volunteers.

The Historic Reeve Home
This old homestead and the ajoining prerpty was donated to the town of Westfield December 31, 1985 by Ralph Tichenor Reeve and his brother Edgar, in memory of theyr father, William Edgar Reeve, who resided here with his family from 1906 to 1963 and who contrivuted so much to the development of Westfield.
Westfield Historical Society
As you first enter the driveway, you see on your left a large rock with a plaque commemorating Ralph and Edgar Reeve's 1985 donation of the house and property to the Town of Westfield to serve as a perpetual home for the Westfield Historical Society.
After a 1.2 million dollar restoration and rehabilitation funded by the generosity of a great many individuals, businesses and organizations, the house looks today very much as it did in the 1890's. The major exception is the railing that, although not unheard of in the nineteenth century, today is absolutely necessary for the safety of visitors.
As you can see in the picture of the Reeve children, the porch was not originally enclosed but was a later addition by the Reeves. In the restoration, it was decided to remove it in order to return the house to its 1870's time period.
As you proceed up the steps to the first floor of the house, take note of the tops of the porch columns and the lighting fixture hanging in front of the door which were copied from early photos.