For the Westfield Historical Society’s First Wednesday Luncheon series in February, guests are welcome to the luncheon at Ferraro’s Restaurant, on Wednesday February 1, 2023, beginning with check-in at 11:45am. Photographer, Nancy Ori, will present her "Photographic Tour of Union County's Historic Sites"
Nancy J. Ori, well-known photographer, author, and educator received a 2022 HEART GRANT (History, Education and Arts, Reaching Thousands) from the Union County Board of County Commissioners to photograph approximately 35 local historical sites and create a digital presentation. She has spent months researching and photographing the numerous exteriors and interiors. Her artistic selection of subject matter was determined by the best summary of images to depict the lifestyle of the people who lived throughout the County during the different time periods in our history from the early farms, through the Revolutionary War. Locations such as Liberty Hall in Union, the Ashbrook Reservation and Nature Trail in Scotch Plains, and the Drake House Museum in Plainfield, as well as smaller historical sites are featured in Ori’s presentation.
Nancy Ori enjoys teaching photography classes and workshops each year throughout the United States and Europe. In 1995, she founded the New Jersey Photography Forum, a group of professional and very serious amateur photographers who get together monthly to critique each other’s work and exhibit together, both online and at the art center in Summit. Under Nancy’s direction, the NJPF has grown to be the largest group of fine art exhibiting photographers in the Metro Area.
Those wishing to attend the luncheon may make a reservation by email to; or, by calling 908-654-1794, before Thursday, January 26th. Please advise if there are special dietary needs. The luncheon fee of $35 (WHS members) or $40 (non-members) includes a three-course meal, coffee/tea, and gratuity. Depending on Covid transmission levels, tables will be spaced out and mask wearing is suggested except when actively eating or drinking. The luncheon fee should be paid in advance (check payable to Westfield Historical Society) by mailing to Westfield Historical Society, P.O. Box 613, Westfield, NJ 07091; by Venmo to @Westfield-HistoricalSociety; or, here at the Registration tab at the top of this page. Registration and payments should be received by Thursday prior to the luncheon.