For the Westfield Historical Society’s First Wednesday Luncheon series in March (rescheduled from January 5th), guests are welcome to the in-person luncheon at the newly renovated Echo Lake Country Club on Wednesday March 9, 2022 at 11:45am. Social Studies teacher, Daniel Farabaugh, will present a program on "Voting and Voting Rights”.
Mr. Farabaugh’s talk will focus on the uneven progress of voter access in American history. Very often the story is told that slowly and consistently, throughout American history, more and more people and groups have been granted the right to vote in a wave of progress. Unfortunately, it has not been that simple. Voting rights have been taken away as often as they have been expanded and often in subtle and insidious ways. The focus is often on disenfranchisement through violence and hate groups; but, just as often, it has been done quietly and with a smile through redistricting and the establishment of bureaucratic barriers.
A teacher of U.S. and world history for over twenty years at the high school level, Mr. Farabaugh is also an adjunct professor at the community college level. He received both an Undergraduate and Masters degree from Rutgers University and attended numerous conferences and professional activities addressing the issues of voting and voter access.
Those wishing to attend the luncheon may make a reservation by email to; or, by calling 908-654-1794, before Friday, March 4th. Please advise if there are special dietary needs. The luncheon fee of $35 (WHS members) or $40 (non-members) includes a three-course meal, coffee/tea, and gratuity. The luncheon fee should be paid in advance (check payable to Westfield Historical Society) by mailing to Westfield Historical Society, P.O. Box 613, Westfield, NJ 07091; by Venmo to @Westfield-HistoricalSociety; or, online by clicking on “Reservations” in the banner above this page. Payments should be received by Friday prior to the luncheon. Westfield Historical Society memberships will also be available at the luncheon.