This event has been postponed. Please check in again later for the new date and time.
Nancy Humphrey of The Genealogical Society of the West Fields will be presenting the Wilcox painting to the Westfield Historical Society.
This event has been postponed. Please check in again later for the new date and time.
Nancy Humphrey of The Genealogical Society of the West Fields will be presenting the Wilcox painting to the Westfield Historical Society.
Westfield Historical Society at the
Reeve History and Cultural Resource Center
314 Mountain Avenue
Westfield NJ 07090
MAIL TO: Westfield Historical Society, 314 Mountain Ave., Westfield, NJ 07090
T (908) 654 1794
Reeve House Tours
May be open on some Sundays - 2-4pm. Check Events schedule for confirmed dates. For events and by appointment - please contact us!
Westfield Historical Society Archives
302 Elm Street
Board of Education Building
3rd Floor
Westfield NJ 07090
T (908) 654-1794
Archive Hours
Most Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM - appointments are required.